Client Testimonials
“I was listening to
your tape today and thinking how on the mark you are. You were right about
the job and the apartment and the part about men.”
–B.R. St. Thomas, V.I.
“In the reading you gave me last year, you
mentioned that I should just ‘fake it ‘till I make it’,
and that’s what I’ve been doing. I’ve had a big shift
inside this summer. I have a political product I’ve come up with
that is highly original, and my ‘ex’ is going to fund it.
Also, I’ve created a political grass-roots organization. It’s
really exciting. What you said to me really stuck with me, particularly
the ‘fake it ‘till you make it’ part. I’ve started
taking it very seriously.”
– S.G., Marin County, California
“I was listening to the tape of my forecast
for this year, and I’m just calling to tell you that you are really
good at what you do. It’s amazing to play back the tape and have
you be so right. I’m going back to school to get my psychotherapy
degree. You said that things would change and pick up for me in July and
August, and they have. You’re really good!”
– T.W.,
Marin County, California
“I’m reminded that the timing of events
you mentioned in my reading has indeed bourne out and the awareness kept
me calm and cool amidst a room full of panicking people. With thanks and
appreciation for the help your gifts have given me in my spiritual quest.”
– L.M.,
San Francisco, CA
“It was really a pleasure to have your participation
as an astrological reader at our party. The feedback was overwhelmingly
positive! (even from the most cynical.)”
– V.L.,
Lake Tahoe, Nevada
“You know, your first reading for me a couple
of years ago was so correct that at times during that meeting I almost
broke into tears. It was the irony of how correct you were about aspects
of myself that until that hour had even been hidden from me. I’m
writing now to tell you that although I’m only in the third month
of the year, things are already beginning to unfold much as you said they
would. I still have not gotten over how uncanny your predictions have
been in light of their apparent accuracy.”
– B.M.,
Oakland, California
“I just listened to my tape. You are so amazingly
accurate, it’s scary.”
– R.K.,
Mountain View, California